To make a GP home visit or to send a medical enquiry for yourself or anyone you care for we now ask for all requests to be made via the Ask My GP app.
These are intended for people who are housebound or terminally ill. If you feel a home visit is required, please make a request via the link. You will always be asked if you can attend the surgery, so please only ask for a home visit if it is strictly necessary and the patient is genuinely too ill to attend surgery. If in spite of this advice and you still require a home visit one will be arrange for you. Please send home visit requests by 10:30am when possible. *Please remember that on average the doctor can see four or five patients in the surgery in the time it takes to make one home visit.
GP visit recommended:
Home visiting makes clinical sense and is the best way of giving medical opinion, in cases involving:
- The terminally ill
- The truly housebound patient for whom travel to premises by car would cause deterioration in their medical condition.
GP visit may be useful
Following a conversation with a health professional, it may be agreed that a seriously ill patient may be helped by a GP’s visit.
GP visit is not useful:
In most of these cases a visit would not be appropriate use of your GP’s time or best for you:
- Heart attack – severe crushing chest pain. The best approach is to call an emergency paramedic ambulance.
- Common symptoms of childhood: fevers, cold, cough, earache, headache, diarrhoea/vomiting and most cases of abdominal pain. These patients are usually well enough to travel, to the surgery. It is not harmfuul to take a child with fever outside.
- Adults with common problems, such as cough, sore throat, influenza, general malaise, back pain and abdominal pain are also readily transportable to the doctor’s surgery.
Transport arrangements are responsibility of the patients or their carers.